Importing data for Matlab or Octave

These are instructions for importing information from Trodes .rec files into Matlab or Octave.

In Matlab or Octave, the function readTrodesExtractedDataFile is used to read .dat files extracted using Trodes Export Utility. The exact contents of each file depends on the type of data exported. In the example below, we are importing a file containing spike waveforms that were exported by selecting ‘spikes’ in the Trodes Export Utility.

imported_data = readTrodesExtractedDataFile('example_recording.spikes_nt2.dat');

Exporting ‘spikes’ data will creates a structure containing the following fields:

  • description: 1x30 sq_string

  • byte_order: 1x13 sq_string

  • original_file: 1x21 sq_string

  • clockrate: 1x1 scalar

  • trodes_version: 1x5 sq_string

  • compile_date: 1x11 sq_string

  • compile_time: 1x8 sq_string

  • qt_version: 1x5 sq_string

  • commit_tag: 1x26 sq_string

  • controller_firmware: 1x1 scalar

  • headstage_firmware: 1x1 scalar

  • controller_serialnum: 1x1 scalar

  • headstage_serialnum: 1x1 scalar

  • autosettle: 1x1 scalar

  • smartref: 1x1 scalar

  • gyro: 1x1 scalar

  • accelerometer: 1x1 scalar

  • magnetometer: 1x1 scalar

  • time_offset: 1x1 scalar

  • system_time_at_creation: 1x1 scalar

  • timestamp_at_creation: 1x1 scalar

  • first_timestamp: 1x1 scalar

  • ntrode_id: 1x1 scalar

  • num_channels: 1x1 scalar

  • voltage_scaling: 1x1 scalar

  • threshold: 1x1 scalar

  • spike_invert: 1x3 sq_string

  • reference: 1x3 sq_string

  • filter: 1x2 sq_string

  • lowpassfilter: 1x1 scalar

  • highpassfilter: 1x1 scalar

  • spike_trigger_on_1: 1x1 scalar

  • fields: 1x2 struct

Many of the fields above will exist for all exported data types and contain metadata describing the data. For instance ‘clockrate’ contains the sampling rate of the data.

Each data type will however contain some type-specific fields, such as ‘threshold’ and ‘voltage_scaling.’ The latter of which contains the multiplier needed to convert the voltage values to uV.

The extracted data will always be contained within ‘fields,’ which will always be a 1-by-N struct, where each struct in the array contains a different type of data.

The data are always stored in ‘fields’:


Note: data type is given in the ‘type’ field. To save memory, this is usually not ‘double.’ This can cause conflicts for some Matlab functions. This can be resolved by converting the desired data to double:

myDoubleVar = double(originalVar);

ans =

1x2 struct array containing the fields:






‘Name’ describes the data:

data.fields(1).name and = ‘time’

data.fields(2).name ans = waveformCh1

‘type’ tells you what format the data is stored:

data.fields(2).type ans = int16

‘data’ contains the actual data. For spikes, this will be a N by 40 matrix, where N is the number of spikes in the data.

data.fields(1).data contains each spike’s time data.fields(2).data contains each spikes’ waveform data

If the nTrode has more than one channel, the array will have one extra entry per channel. In the case of spikes extracted from tetrode data, you will get a 1-by-5 struct, where the first struct is the time each spike occurred, and the next four structs contain the waveform data for each channel in the tetrode.